Understanding Printing Interim Payments

You typically print interim payments when you process those payments in a payroll cycle. However, in some cases, you might need to issue an interim check to one or more employees or generate their automatic deposit advice and bank information before you are ready to process the interims in a payroll cycle. In these cases, you can create checks, advices, and automatic deposit information for the bank using the Interim Payment Workbench, and then process the interims in a payroll cycle at a later date. You can create payments for all of the interim checks that are associated with an interim ID, or you can create payments for selected interims only.

For example, if an employee's regular payroll payment is incorrect, you can void the payment and create an interim payment for the employee with the correct information. To reduce the inconvenience to the employee, you might print an interim check immediately, instead of waiting until you process the payroll cycle that includes interim payments. If the employee typically receives payroll payments using automatic deposit, you can use the Interim Payment Workbench to print the advice slip and create the automatic deposit information to send to the bank.

When you process a full payroll cycle that includes these interim payments, the system does not create the payments again, either for printed payments or for automatic deposit information.

If an incident such as a printer failure prevents one or more interim payments from printing, or if you determine that the information on a printed payment is incorrect, you can reset the print status for a payment and then reprint it.

Before you can print payments from the Interim Payment Workbench, you must set up payment information. This information is used to identify which versions of the payment programs the system uses to create interim payments.


If you print interim payments using the Interim Payment Workbench, the system uses the dates that are associated with the interim payment when it updates employee history. When you print interim payments during the regular payroll cycle, the system uses the dates that are associated with the payroll process to update employee history.

If you create manual interim payments (which are not printed during the payroll process) or when you use the Interim Payment Workbench, the system updates employee history using the dates that are associated with the interim payment.