Understanding Reports for Interim Payments

Using the Interim Payment Workbench, you can create reports for all interim payments that are included in a specified interim ID. You can create reports to verify whether the information that is included in the interim payments is correct before you process the payments through a payroll cycle.

You can generate reports using the Interim Payment Workbench in three ways. If you are creating interim payments using batch processing, you can set up reports to print when you select Process from the Work With Interims Workbench. You can also set up reports to print when you print interim payments from the Work With Interims Workbench. Finally, you can set up reports to print when you launch reports from the Interim Payment Workbench.

To create reports using the Work With Interims Workbench, you set up a report model that specifies which reports the system creates for interim payments. You must enter this report model in the processing options for the Work With Interims Workbench program (P07210I). You can then set up the reports that you want to print for each interim ID by selecting reports from the report model that you have entered in the processing options. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default report model, which includes these reports for interim payment processing:

When the Report is Produced

Report Name

Process Interims (Step 6)

R073012 - Payroll Register

Process Interims (Step 6)

R073013 - Summary Payroll Register

Process Interims (Step 6)

R073051 - Time and Pay Entry Journal

Process Interims (Step 6)

R053191 - Payroll Exception Report

Interim Print Payments (Step 7)

R07238 - Payroll Payment Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073665 - Employee Social Security Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R053001 - Time and Pay Entry Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073012 - Payroll Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073013 - Summary Payroll Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073053 - D/B/A Transaction Audit Report

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073062 - D/B/A-Register

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R073170 - Federal Tax Distribution Summary

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R773162 - Provincial Tax Distribution Summary (Canada)

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R773170C - Tax Distribution Summary - Federal (Canada)

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R77323 - Employee Earnings & Tax Register (Canadian)

Interim Reports Only (Step 8)

R773660 - Employment Insurance Register (Canada)