Understanding the Multiple Version Setup Process

Before you can process multiple versions of pay cycle steps, you must set up information about the multiple versions. To do so, you must first create multiple versions of each of the pay cycle steps for multiple version processing. After you create the versions to process during a payroll cycle, you must assign those versions to a payroll ID. After you assign the versions to the payroll ID, you can review the information to ensure that you have set up the right versions for each step of the payroll cycle.

You can assign multiple version information for each step of the payroll cycle at one time, or you can assign multiple versions of pay cycle steps to each step individually.

Before you can assign multiple versions to a payroll ID, you must create versions of pay cycle programs. This table identifies the programs for which you need to create versions in order to use multiple version processing for each pay cycle step:

Pay Cycle Step



Pre-Payroll Driver UBE (R07200)

Interims Only

Interims Only Driver UBE (R07200I)

Changes Only

Pre-Payroll Changes Only (R07200C)

Journal Entries

Generate Payroll Journal Entries (R072902) (This program is used to submit and revise payroll journal entries.)

Final Update

Final Update Driver UBE (R07250)


If you assign all versions to the payroll ID using Reports Setup, you must manually enter program names and pay cycle steps on the Reports Setup form. If you use the Process Multiple row menu options, the system automatically enters that information.

This information describes how to assign all multiple version information at once. However, you can use the Process Multiple row menu options from the Work With Pay Cycle Work Bench form to assign multiple version information by process.