Understanding the Pay Cycle Setup Process

Before you process payroll for the employees, you need to set up information that the system uses during payroll cycle processing.

To define the dates for each payroll cycle in a year, you set up master pay cycles. The system uses these dates during payroll cycle processing.

You set up payroll cycle control parameters to define which users have authority to process each step of the payroll cycle and which users have authority to reset each step. Typically, the system administrator for the system is responsible for setting up payroll cycle control parameters.

The system includes many reports that can help you verify the accuracy of the payroll information when you process a payroll cycle. When you set up payroll cycle reports, you define the reports that you want the system to automatically generate during each step of the payroll cycle. You also create a version for each report that defines the data selection and data sequence for the report.

Before you can print payments for employees, you must define which programs and versions the system uses to create each type of payment.

Additionally, you might set up multiple versions of certain pay cycle steps that offer that functionality. If the organization is large, you might find significant processing time reductions if you process multiple versions simultaneously.