Voiding Payments

Access the Void Check form.

Note: After you complete the steps to void a payment, the system launches the Void and Reissue Payments UBE program (R0701830), which creates an interim payment for the void. To update the system, you must process the interim payment through a payroll cycle.
Interim Payroll ID

Enter the code that identifies a group of employees for whom you are processing payroll. Use this ID to process each step of the payroll cycle.

When you void a payment, you must select an interim payroll ID that is associated with the same country code as the payments that you want to void.

The system also uses this code to identify the interim ID that you select when you enter interim payments.


Select this option only if all of the payments that you are voiding are checks and you want the new checks to contain the same information as the voided checks (except the check numbers and check dates).