Voucher Information for Group Plans

After you activate vouchering for a DBA, you can include the DBA in a group plan and enter voucher information at the group plan level. For some DBAs, you might need to create vouchers for some group plans and not others. In this case, you can deactivate vouchering for the DBA at the group plan level.

You can include a DBA, such as a union dues deduction, in multiple group plans. For a DBA that is assigned to multiple group plans, the payee might vary among groups. Therefore, you can enter payees for the DBA at the group plan level. The payee that you enter for a group plan overrides the payee that you entered at the DBA level.

You enter a payee for a group plan only in one of these circumstances:

  • You did not enter a payee at the DBA level.

  • You entered a payee in the setup for the DBA that differs from the payee for this group plan.

If you have already set up group plans, but you did not enter voucher information at that time, complete this task. If you have not yet set up group plans, complete the task for setting up group plan DBAs.