Wage Attachment Processing

If the organization has only a few employees with wage attachments, and those wage attachments use only simple calculations such as a monetary amount or an amount equal to a percentage of gross wages, you might not need to use the wage attachment-processing feature. Instead, you can set up and assign the wage attachment deduction in the same way that you set up and assign any other type of deduction.

The organization can charge employees fees for administering most types of wage attachments. In addition to the fees that the organization charges, the agency that collects the wage attachment might also charge an administrative fee.

Garnishment tables contain the federal or state wage ranges and calculation methods for garnishments. Levy exemption tables contain the standard annual exemption amounts that are used to determine the wages that are exempt from the levy. You can also set up additional amounts of exempt wages when an employee claims a disability. You should set up these tables before you create the deductions for garnishments and levies.

After you set up tables for wage attachments, but before you can enter wage attachment information for employees, you must set up a deduction for each type of wage attachment. Setting up a deduction for a wage attachment is similar to setting up any other kind of deduction. You then can assign the deduction to an employee using the employee DBA instructions and the wage attachment workbench.

You can review wage attachment information online for an employee, obligee, or payee. You can also review detailed ledger records associated with wage attachments for a specific employee.