Entering Piece Rate Timecards

After you set up the system to process piece rate information, you can enter employee timecards that include pieces, piece rates and unit of measure. You can enter piece rate information using any of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne time entry programs. Regardless of which program you use to enter employee timecards, you must include this information on each timecard that you enter for piece rate employees for the system to correctly process piece rate information:

  • Pay type (which you should set up as a piece-rate pay type).

  • Hours.

  • Item number.

  • Unit of Measure

  • Number of pieces.


    If  you set up multiple piece rates for a single item, you must include additional information on the timecards to ensure that the system retrieves the correct piece rate.

    For example, if you set up a piece rate of 10 USD for item 100 and job type A, and you set up a piece rate of 12 USD for item 100 and job type B, you must include job type information on timecards that are entered for item 100. The system uses the item number and the job type on the timecard to determine which piece rate to use for the employee.