Setting Up Business Unit Burden Rules

Access the Revise Business Unit Burden Rules form.

Burden Rule

Enter a code that determines how the system handles burden journal entries. Actual burden expenses are initially grouped into burden clearing accounts in the T1 section of the P/R journals. The user has the option of relieving these clearing entries and distributing burden expense based on where the direct labor was charged. This distribution of burden expense is done in the T3 section of the P/R journals. The user also has the option of creating a fixed audit trail for how each component of burden was distributed per individual timecard. This detail audit trail is maintained in the F0624 file, which is used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system to produce Job Billing Registers. These rule codes control the process:

0: Do not create T3 Burden Expense entries for the Business Unit.

1: Create T3 Burden Expense entries but not the F0624 audit records.

2: Create T3 Burden Expense entries and associated F0624 audit records.

3: Same as 1 but reverse out the Flat Burden posted thru Daily Post.

4: Same as 2 but reverse out the Flat Burden posted thru Daily Post.