Setting Up Piece Rate Item Masters

Access the Piece Rate Item Master Revisions form.

Primary Unit of Measure

Enter a code (UDC 00/UM) that designates any unit of measure appropriate for an employee's time and pay.

Conversion Factor 1 through Conversion Factor 3

Enter a code that specifies a factor for converting one unit of measure to another unit of measure. This field is informational only.

Unit of Measure 1 through Unit of Measure 3

Enter a unit of measure. You may define the use and description of this code to fit the needs of the organization. For example, piece rate items currently do not calculate unit of measure conversions, therefore all units are considered equal to one.

You can set up this category code to monitor unit of measure conversion information that relates to piece rate items. This field is used for information purposes only.

Target Production

Enter the total number of pieces that should be entered. The system compares this number to the actual number of pieces that are entered and a variance amount is generated to display the difference between expected and actual pieces.

This item is reserved for future use.

Product Group Code

Reserved for future use.

Stock Number

Enter the stock number for the processed item.

Item Code

Reserved for future use.