Timecard Templates

Many organizations need to enter the same types of timecards repetitively. For example, you might need to enter timecards for bonus or commission pay each quarter. To automate this process, you can use the Timecard Templates program (P186301) to automatically create timecard templates. The Timecard Templates program enables you to create model timecards and apply those timecards to specified groups of employees. After you apply the template to the employee group, the system creates a timecard with the information from the template model for each employee in the group.

When you create a timecard template, you specify values for fields on the timecards, such as pay type, lump sum amount, hours, date, and account number. You can save the timecard template that you create and use it each time that you need to create timecards with the specified values. In addition to creating timecards, the Timecard Templates program generates a report so that you can review information about the newly created timecards before you process them through a payroll cycle.

When you create a timecard template, you can specify whether the timecard is public or private. You can set a processing option on the Processing tab of the Time Entry Master Business Function program (P050002A) to create public timecards. When the processing option is set to enable public timecards, an administrator or employees can select the Public Timecard option.