Understanding Time Entry Processing Options

Several JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems access centralized programs called master business functions. A master business function is a program that serves as a central location for adding, changing, and updating information in a database. Master business functions pass information between data entry forms and the appropriate tables.

Master business functions provide a common set of functions that contain all of the necessary default information and editing rules for related programs. They contain logic that ensures the integrity of adding, updating, and deleting information from databases.

A master business function helps to standardize data entry information across related programs. For example, a large company might have employees enter their time from multiple sites and sources.

Master business functions are most commonly used in these situations:

  • You accept records from a third-party source.

  • Multiple programs update the same table.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management system has one master business function, Time Entry MBF Processing Options (P050002A), which interacts with all time entry programs. You need to set up processing options for this master business function to define default values, valid values, and functions for time entry programs.

Processing options for master business functions are attached to version ZJDE0001. You should normally use this version as the default version for all of the entry programs. If you need to create different versions for other data entry programs, contact the system administrator.

Version ZJDE0001 of the master business function has security set to restrict access by certain users. An error message occurs if you try to access the version while security is enabled. The system administrator must disable version security before you can create a new version or access the processing options. After you have set the appropriate values for the processing options, the system administrator must enable security again for the version.

It is also recommended that you set these processing options one time only. Changing these processing options might completely change necessary business functions for the time entry system. Obtain technical support if you want to change these processing options after you have begun processing timecard information for the organization.

After setting the processing options for P050002A, you need to select either the default version (ZJDE0001) or a user-defined version of the master business function in the processing options for these time entry programs:

  • Speed Time Entry (P051121).

  • Time Entry Floods (P051191).

  • EE Assignment (P0716701).

You might need to create multiple versions of the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program if you want to process timecard information differently within the organization. For example, you might want to use one version of the master business function to process employee assignment information and use a different version to process other time entry programs. Contact the system administrator if you need to use multiple versions.