Understanding Timecard Overrides

When you enter information into the system that is needed to create a timecard, you do not necessarily need to complete every field on the time entry form. Depending on how you set the processing options and other system parameters, the system can automatically complete many time entry fields. For example, the system might derive the employee's pay rate from the F060146 table, and the account number from the automatic accounting instructions (AAIs). However, you might occasionally need to override system-supplied information on an employee's timecard. For example, if you wanted to pay an employee a higher hourly rate because the employee worked on a job other than her regular job during that pay period, you could override the hourly rate that the system automatically enters on the timecard.

In addition to overriding information on the timecard, you can also override DBA amounts that the system normally calculates. For example, if an employee begins employment in the middle of a pay period, you can reduce the amount of the medical insurance deduction so that the deduction covers only the portion of the pay period in which the employee actually works. Similarly, you can change the amount of a company-paid benefit, such as a meal allowance, so that the amount reflects only the portion of the pay period in which the employee works.

When you override DBA information, you can attach the override amounts to a timecard, or you can enter standalone overrides that are not attached to timecards. When DBA overrides are attached to a timecard, the system uses the information on that timecard to derive the account numbers that are associated with the DBA. When you enter a standalone DBA override, the system first tries to associate it with any existing timecards that the employee has, prorating the amount across the multiple timecards, if necessary. If the employee does not have any existing timecards, and no autopay timecards are created for the employee during pre-payroll, the system automatically generates a timecard with no hours or gross pay using information from the (F060116) table. The system then uses this timecard to derive the account numbers for the DBA.