Setting up the TCP\IP Protocol for Enterprise Server

Note: Set up the TCP\IP service to start automatically each time you IPL the IBM i. For more information about setting it up, contact your system administrator or see the appropriate IBM documentation.

To set up the TCP\IP protocol for your IBM i Enterprise Server:

  1. Log on to the Enterprise Server as QSECOFR (or as any user who can access the Configure TCP\IP menu).

  2. On Current OneWorld Versions, choose the version of the software for which you are setting up the TCP\IP protocol.

  3. To access the Configure TCP\IP menu, enter CFGTCP.

  4. Select Work With TCP\IP Host Table Entries.

  5. On Work With TCP\IP Host Table Entries, find the network (Internet) address for the Enterprise Server.

    A single machine could have more than one entry for the same network address. Verify that an entry exists for the Enterprise Server network address and that it matches the format that follows. Search for the Enterprise Server network address by entering the Enterprise Server name only (for example, SYS1). If one does not exist, you must add one by choosing Add.

    In the Host Name field, your Enterprise Server (machine) name should appear in this format:


    where hostname is the name of your machine and domainname is the local domain of the machine on the network. For example, SYS1.MFG.ABC.COM, in which SYS1 is the Enterprise Server name and MFG.ABC.COM is the domain name. The combined Enterprise Server name and local domain name represent the location of the Enterprise Server on the network.

    Note: Network Considerations. To avoid problems when applications running on separate machines need to communicate with applications running on other machines on the same network, make sure that each machine name (host name) has a single unique dot decimal address. For example, SYS1 could have a dot decimal address of, for instance,, but you could not assign any other address to it.
  6. To verify that the local domain and Enterprise Server names represent the correct location of the IBM i, choose Change Local Domain and Host Names from the Work With TCP\IP Host Table Entries form.

    Verify that the Local Domain Name and Local Host Name fields match the combined hostname.domainname network address.

    Following the example in this task, the local domain name would be MFG.ABC.COM and the local host name would be SYS1.