Upgrading from 9.0 or Below

This section contains a list of all the Table Conversions required when upgrading from 9.0 or below.

Upgrading from 9.0 or Below

Conversion Program

Run this Job





When upgrading from 9.0 or below and ESU has not already been installed in prior release.

F43S001, UDC 43S|AL

This TC will populate the F43S001 table with the list of supported alerts from the UDC 43S|AL.

If ESU was installed in From Release, then this conversion does not need to be run again.


To update data in tables that contain the VCF data item; it does not modify the table structure.

It should be run in Final mode only once.

It can be run in Proof mode multiple times. Proof mode does not perform any updates.

Users should verify that this report has not already been run. It was required if the user took the ESU for SARs 8567415 (Xe), 8757032 (8.12) or 8820775 (9.0).

This report converts the data in the Volume Correction Factor (VCF) field of the tables listed below from 4 decimals to 5 decimals.

Tables containing VCF:

F38111 - Agreements Transaction Ledger

F41511 - Bulk Product Transaction File

F41515 - Multi-Meter Readings

F49211- Sales Order Detail File - Tag

F49211Z1- Sales Order Detail Tag Unedited

F49219- Sales Order Detail - Tag History

F4963 - Load In-transit

F49631- Load In-transit Ledger

F49632 - Load In-transit Left on Board

F49299 - S.O. Detail Tag Ledger File

The report should be run in Proof mode first. If the processing option to display the records is set to 1, the report will display all the records that will be updated and what the volume correction factor will be updated to. If the processing option is not set to display records, the total number of records in each table that will be updated is displayed.

Run the report in Final mode only one time, regardless of the value of the processing option to display records. If the report is run in Final mode more than once, the data will be incorrect.


To populate item and harvest pattern information that was previously stored in the Grower Block table (F40G02) into the Harvest Item Master (F40G034).

This TC is dependent upon the *ALTER record being processed successfully for the Grower Block table (F40G02) and the Grower Harvest table (F40G03). The *ALTER conversions will convert the tables to the Release 9.1 format. Then R8940G34 can be run to process the records and populate the F40G034 columns.

F40G034 table was added to support crop rotation functionality in which item is an attribute of the harvest rather than of the block.

A record is inserted into F40G034 for every Grower Harvest record (F40G03) for each Block record (F40G02). F40G034 will be populated with the Vessel ID from F40G03 and with Short Item Number, 2nd Item Number, 3rd Item Number, and Harvest Pattern from F40G02.

This TC is also being released in an ESU for Release 9.0. Users upgrading from Release 9.0 to Release 9.1 that have taken the ESU will not be required to run the Post Install table conversion.

R8940G34 deletes existing records found in F40G034 before creating new records so it may be run more than once without errors.


To automatically mark all item and item branch records as country of origin required.


The TC should be run as a post install only if the Country of Origin functionality is desired after an upgrade to Release 9.1.

The user should set up data selection only for those items and branches for which they wish to activate the country of origin required functionality. Users will need to specify proof or final mode, and decide whether to activate the country of origin at the item master level. The user can also specify a default country of origin value to give to the item branch records.


After the country of origin required flag has been activated for the first time on an existing item branch you will use this TC to update all existing lots to the correct country of origin.

Should be run after the R41806.

This TC is run once the required flag has been activated and if this is being run as part of the post install process it should be run after the R41806 is run.

User should restrict any lots that already have a country of origin from the data selection. There is a proof and final mode processing option, and there is a default value for the country of origin for the lot.


This TC will update all data currently residing in the weigh tag master file which currently contains lot information to now contain lot and country of origin information.

Should be run after the R41806 and R41807.

This TC should be run as a post install and only if the client utilizes the grower weigh tag functionality.

There is a proof and final mode processing option, and there is a default value for the country of origin for the lot.


This process copies current Country of Origin data at Item/Lot level used by Argentina Localization (field LRP9 of F4108) to the new ORIG field into table F4108.

The process has to be executed only when the customer is using Argentina Localization and selling Imported Items by Sales Order module.

This UBE has to be executed as a Post Install from any prior releases to Release 9.1 or higher releases.

In case the country codes in UDC 41/L9 are not the same than UDC 00/CN, the user has to define the mapping between values using the special handling code of UDC 41/L9. That means special handling code of UDC 41/L9 should contains the corresponding country code of UDC 00/CN.

Execute R8976A08 selecting the correct Lots from F4108 by user data selection.

For a given record, the value into ORIG field of F4108 has to contain the same country than the value of LRP9 field.


To convert old saved queries to new enhanced queries.

This is to be run if you use Saved Query. To verify, please check if you have records in F98950 table with field UOTY = "SQ"

Enhanced Query uses a different format than Saved Query to store the queries. This conversion program provides users a way to convert your old saved queries to the new format that Enhanced Query uses.

User can use the PO Template D95SQAQPO to specify any combination of 3 attributes (User ID and/or Application Name and/or Form Name) to filter the old queries to be converted to the new format. Records in F98950 and F98950D are converted during the process. The old SQ records are NOT deleted during the conversion.


To convert CTS1, CTS2, CTS3, and CTS9 (collectively referred to as CTSx) data item values from 2 display decimals to match the display decimals of the TRQT data item (4 decimals).

You must run this program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items if you use these data items to store unaccounted units.

The R8931CTSX table conversion program retrieves the TRQT data dictionary display decimals and converts the values of the CTSx data items in all affected tables to match the TRQT display decimals. The R8931CTSX program calls the Data Decimal Conversion business function (B8900010) for each CTSx data item. The UBE locates all tables containing the data item and selects non-zero values for conversion. The program converts the CTSx value and updates the table.

The default setting of the CTSx data items to 2 display decimals may cause rounding discrepancies. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you run this table conversion program to increase the decimal precision of the CTSx data items.

After running the R8931CTSX program, change the display decimal setting of the CTSx data items in the E920 data dictionary to 4 to match the display decimal setting of the TRQT data item. For more information, refer to the Data Conversion Updates for Decimal Precision of Unaccounted Units document (2438553.1) on My Oracle Support:
