Cost Updating

You can update cost records for interoperability in the Item Cost Revisions Application program (P4105Z1). The system processes revisions according to how you have set the transaction action user-defined code (UDC) (00/TA).

You must pay careful attention to the values in an existing record when updating costs through interoperability. The system validates the values in the F4105Z1 table against the values for the cost record in the F4105 table. In order for the system to recognize the cost methods you have identified as the purchasing cost method, the inventory cost method, or both, you must ensure that the Purchasing Cost Method Selection field has a value of P and the Inventory Cost Method Selection has a value of I.

Note: You cannot delete a record that reflects the costing method selection (either purchasing or inventory). If you have identified an existing record as the purchasing cost method, the inventory cost method, or both, you are not able to delete it. Instead, the system changes the unit cost of the record to zero.