Forms Used to Review and Revise Interoperability Transactions for Fixed Assets

Form Name




Work With Unedited Asset Master Transactions


Select either of these menu options:

Asset Interoperability (G1233), Inbound Asset Master/Eq Tag Inquiry

Asset Interoperability (G1233), Outbound Asset Master/Eq Tag Inquiry

Locate interoperability transactions. The processing options determine whether the system displays inbound or outbound transactions, as well as whether the system displays unprocessed, successfully processed, or unsuccessfully processed records.

Unedited Asset Master Transactions Revision


Select a record on the Work With Unedited Asset Master Transactions form and click Select.

Revise a transaction.

You can select Submit from the Row menu on this form to process selected records. If the selected records are outbound transactions, the system uses the program and version specified on the Process 1 tab of the processing options to process the records. If the selected records are inbound transactions, the system uses the program and version specified on the Process 2 tab of the processing options to process the records.

Unedited Equipment Tag Transactions Revision


Select a record on the Work With Unedited Asset Master Transactions form and then select Tag Revisions from the Row menu.

Add additional information to an interoperability transaction.