Item Base Price from Inbound Transactions

You might receive inbound transactions for the Item Base Price File table (F4106) if, for example, you perform a mass update of the existing non-standard base price into the F4106 table.

One method that external systems can use to send data is to enter data in a flat file that must be converted into an interoperability interface table for item base price. For converting the files, you must set up the cross-reference and run the conversion program. You receive the inbound transactions for the Item Base Price File table (F4106) through the Item Price Unedited Transaction (R4106Z1) batch process.

The interoperability interface table for item base price inbound transactions is the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Price table (F4106Z1).

The related application table for item price inbound transactions is the Item Base Price File table (F4106).

For the F4106Z1 table, interoperability requires data in these fields:

  • EDI User ID (EDUS)
  • EDI Batch Number (EDBT)
  • EDI Transaction Number (EDTN)
  • EDI Line Number (EDLN)
  • Second Item Number (LITM), if item number-related preference number is used
  • Branch/Plant (MCU), if Sales Price Level is 2 or 3
  • Location (LOCN), if used and Sales Price Level is 2 or 3
  • Lot Number (LOTN), if used and if Sales Price Level 3 is used
  • Currency Code (CRCD)
  • Unit Of Measure (UOM)
  • Unit Price (UPRC)
  • Preference Hierarchy Number (PRHN)
  • Transaction Type (TYTN)
  • Transaction Action UDC code (TNAC)

    The first letter of the 2nd Description must be A or C. Only Add and Change are supported.

You can use the item category codes and customer category codes for the transactions for which you have defined the complex item price group and complex customer price group.

During processing, the Item Price Unedited Transaction program (R4106Z1) adds or changes multiple records that exist within the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Price table (F4106Z1) directly to the F4106 table.