Configuring an HTTP Proxy Server

The Business Services Server also supports web services consumer functionality. The Business Services Server is deployed and configured using Server Manager. This section provides information on the additional configuration for consuming third-party web services.

An HTTP proxy server is commonly used for outgoing HTTP connections. When an HTTP proxy server is present, all Internet connections are made through the HTTP proxy server. The Business Services Server might need to make an Internet connection when calling an external web service. These HTTP proxy parameters are available for the Business Services Server:




The host name of the proxy server.


The port number of the proxy server.


Optional. The machines and domains that do not need to be routed through the proxy server. Typically, these are all machines on the intranet. Multiple entries must be separated by a vertical bar (|).


Optional. The user name to be used for authentication on the proxy server.


Optional. The password for the user name that is being used for authentication.