Configuring the HTTP Adapter Service

Perform these tasks to configure the HTTP Adapter Service:

  • Configure client authentication.

  • Check the trustability of the server during handshake.

To configure client authentication:

Create a certificate request (CSR) using keytool.

  1. Go to the HTTP Adapter deployed location.


  2. From a command prompt navigate to:

    <Business Services deployed location>/WEB-INF/classes/.

  3. Use the following commands to create a certificate request:

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias httpclientcer -keystore HTTPAdapterKS.keystore -keypass httpadapter -storepass httpadapter -dname "CN=Oracle,OU=Oracle,O=Oracle USA L=Redwood Shores,S=CA,C=US"

    Provide all the details for generating the key.

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -certreq -alias httpclientcer -file clientkeyCSR -keystore HTTAdapterKS.kestore -keypass httpadapter -storepass httpadapter

    The preceding command generates the certificate request and writes to a file clientkeyCSR.

  4. You obtain the user certificate from a certification authority by submitting the generated CSR and saving it to a file HTTPAdapter.cer.

  5. Obtain the certification authority root certificate (rootCA.cer) and intermediate CA certificate (rootInterCA.cer).

  6. Import the signer certificates rootCA.cer and rootInterCA.cer in to HTTP Adapter's keystore using this command:

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -import -alias rootCAcer -file rootCA.cer -keystore HTTAdapterKS.keystore -keypass httpadapter -storepass httpadapter

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -import -alias rootInterCAcer -file rootInterCA.cer -keystore HTTAdapterKS.keystore -keypass httpadapter -storepass httpadapter

  7. Import the certificate HTTPAdapter.cer in to the HTTP Adapter's key store using the following command:

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -import -v -alias AliasName -file HTTPAdapter.cer -keystore HTTAdapterKS.keystore -keypass KeyPassword -storepass httpadapter

    Where AliasName is the alias of the certificate. This value must be updated in the jdeinterop.ini file for keyalias parameter after the certificate is imported.

    Where KeyPassword is the password for the certificate stored in the keystore. This value must be updated in the jdeinterop.ini file for property certficatepasswd after the certificate is imported

To check the trustability of the server during handshake:

Obtain the SSL certificate (ServerRoot.cer) of server's certificate root CA.

  1. Go to the HTTP Adapter deployed location.


  2. From a command prompt navigate to:

    <Business Services deployed location>/WEB-INF/classes/

  3. Import the certificate ServerRoot.cer in to the HTTP Adapter's trust store using the following command:

    <JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias AliasName -file ServerRoot.cer -keystore cacerts -keypass KeyPassword -storepass passward

    where AliasName is the name for alias of the certificate.

    where KeyPassword is the password for the certificate stored in the keystore.