Enabling Business Services Running on WAS 7.0 to Consume Third-Party Web Services

To consume third-party web services from Business Services Server proxy objects running on WAS, you must add specific JVM arguments. This section provides information on setting the JVM arguments for Business Services Server on WAS for consuming third-party web services.

To configure JVM arguments for WAS:

  1. On the IBM WebSphere Application Server, open the WebSphere Application Server console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click to expand the Servers link.

  3. Click to expand the Server Types link.

  4. Click the WebSphere application servers link.

  5. In the Application servers page, click the application server that is hosting the Business Services Server.

  6. Under the Server Infrastructure section, expand Java and Process Management link.

  7. Click the Process Definition link.

  8. In Additional Properties on right, click the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) link.

  9. On the JVM properties page, add these separate arguments in the Generic JVM arguments text box after the default_path argument:

    -Djavax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory=oracle.j2ee.ws.saaj.client.p2p. HttpSOAPConnectionFactory -Dweblogic.http.headers.enableHSTS=true
    Note: Enter each argument as a contiguous string with no spaces; however, each argument string must be separated with a space.
    Note: If you plan to implement HTTP Strict Transport Security, refer to this Oracle document: Command Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server 14c in the section entitled: HTTP Strict Transport Security.
  10. Click Apply.

  11. In Messages, click the Save link to save the JVM arguments directly to the master configuration.

  12. In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart the Business Services Server Instance on WAS.