Configuring AIS Server Manager Settings

You can configure the following settings for the Scheduler. You can access and change these in Server Manager under Configuration, Advanced, Miscellaneous, Scheduler Configuration. The settings are:

  • This is a Scheduler Server. Select this option to designate this AIS server as a Scheduler server. The Scheduler server will automatically start when the associated AIS server is started. As a result, the jobs that are designated as auto-start jobs will be automatically started when the Scheduler server is started. See, Working with Scheduler (Release 9.2.4)

    The auto-start process requires the following information to ping the server until it is up before continuing. Selecting the "This is a Scheduler Server" option required you to enter the following details:

    • Scheduler Bootstrap User. User name used when retrieving the Scheduler auto-start jobs.

    • Scheduler Bootstrap Password. Password used when retrieving the Scheduler auto-start jobs. The password is encrypted in the Server Manager.

    • Scheduler Bootstrap Environment. Environment used when retrieving the Scheduler auto-start jobs.

    • AIS Scheduler Instance URL. Enter the URL for this AIS Scheduler server instance used for Scheduler auto-start processing. (Protocol://Server:Port) Protocol is http or https.

  • Scheduler Resilience. Enable this option in order to store the runtime data in a database.

  • Number of Threads. The number of threads allocated to the scheduler, from 1 through 100. The default value is 10.

  • Thread Priority. The priority of scheduler threads as compared to the priority of other threaded processes on the server. Valid values are between 1 and 10. The default value is 5.

  • JDBC Max Connections. The maximum number of connections to the scheduler database.

  • JDBC Driver Class Name. The java class name of the database driver for the database that contains scheduler runtime data.

    Examples of driver class names are:

    • MS SQL Server:

    • Oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    • IBMi:

  • JDBC URL. The URL where the database storing the Quartz tables is deployed.

    Examples of URLs are:

    • MS SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://<HOST>:<PORT>;databaseName=<DATABASE_NAME>

    • Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>:<SID> OR jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>/<SERVICENAME>

    • IBMi: jdbc:as400://<HOST>/<SCHEMA>;libraries=<*LIBL>

  • JDBC UserName. The user name used when creating the Quartz tables.

  • JDBC Password. The password used when creating the Quartz tables.

The Server Manager interface provides more details on the usage of each setting. Click the "i" (Information) icon next to each in Server Manager for more information.