Configuring More Scheduler Instances

To configure more scheduler instances, follow the instructions for configuring the first instance on a separate AIS host machine.

Start the new scheduler using the REST APIs mentioned in Scheduler Administration.

Follow the same steps for testing a single instance, but change the list of hosts to include the new host. All the server clocks should be synchronized.

The End Point for this example is:


In this example, <URL> is the AIS Server where the scheduler runs.

In the following example, replace the values that look like <xxxx> with the appropriate values.

Service Body

          "username": "<user>",
          "password": "<password>",
          "environment": "<environment>",
          "role": "<role>",
          "scheduleIntervalMinutes": 1,
          "schedulerHosts": [{
                "protocol": "<protocol>",
               "host": "<AIS host>",
               "port": "<port>",
                "protocol": "<protocol>",
               "host": "<AIS host 2>",
               "port": "<port>",

The results should be the same as with a single instance, except the "ID" values will iterate through the alphabet -- one sequential letter for each scheduler instance, i.e. unitTestEvent ID "a", then "b", then "c" for three hosts. Make sure that all previous unit test jobs have been stopped using the /stop service or the /stopjob service mentioned previously.