List Service

This job will be picked up each minute by the scheduler running on the AIS Server. Using the list service, you can see the job running.

The End Point for this example is:


In this example, <URL> is the AIS Server where the scheduler runs.

Service Body

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://ais_server_url/jderest/v2/scheduler/list -d {  
 "token": "044QF2SLgaM6vZX081eq8KsVi6XcJiiFL5un5ACH+eBGUg=MDE5MDEyMTY4NzY4NjcwMjI2NzExNzcyNDEwLjE1OS45OS43MzE0NzkxNDU4NDM4ODU="

Return Body

     "jobs": [
            "jobLastExecutionBaseUrl": "http://an_ais_host:7101",
            "jobEndpointRequested": "UnitTest_a",
            "serviceShortEndpoint": "UnitTest_a",
            "serviceLongEndpoint": "Unit Test a",
            "omwServiceDescription": "Job For Unit Test ID = a",
            "omwScheduleDescription": "Run every 1 minutes",
            "scheduleIntervalMinutes": 1,
            "jobname": "a",
            "jobgroup": "DEFAULT"
"scheduler": {
     "isResilient": false,
     "isStarted": true,
     "runningSinceUTC": "2019-03-28T18:08:35.305Z",
     "runningSinceUserLocale": "03/28/2019 12:08:35 PM",
     "schedulerInstanceJobsExecuted": 13
Note: Irrelevant values have been removed from the return body.