Requesting a Token

The /tokenrequest service has three HTTP headers that can be used in conjunction with Basic Authorization or JWT token request to indicate the environment, role and device that the session is established with. You can include the following authentication credentials in the Request Header instead of passing these values in the response body:





POST to /tokenrequest they would look like this:

POST /jderest/v2/tokenrequest HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

jde-AIS-Auth-Environment: JDV920

jde-AIS-Auth-Role: *ALL

jde-AIS-Auth-Device: Postman

Authorization: Basic S09VOktPVQ==

Note: When AIS Server Clients are configured with OCI IAM and Microsoft EntraID as an External IdP, AIS REST APIs can be accessed by requesting a token as a JWT Bearer Token generated using the public and private certificates of the clients.