COM Interoperability Usage

This illustration shows how the COM interoperability solution for business function execution typically flows:

COM interoperability solution for business function execution
  1. The administrator generates the COM wrappers.

  2. The administrator deploys the COM objects to the COM server.

  3. The COM server enables communication with the application server so that the generated COM objects can be used in applications.

  4. The COM objects are configured to communicate with the application server once the COM objects are on the COM server.

  5. The DLLs or IDLs from the generated COM objects are copied so that developers can use them.

  6. The application developers create the applications.

  7. The applications communicate with the COM server.

This illustration shows how the COM interoperability solution for event notification and introspection typically flows:

COM interoperability solution — event notification and introspection
  1. Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client.

  2. Configure the COM connector.

  3. COM connector enables communications with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne so that clients can introspect and subscribe to events.

  4. Applications developer creates applications to subscribe to and receive events.