COMConnector: SubscriptionManager

This code sample shows event subscription and unsubscribe:

Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
SubscriptionManager")> Public Class SubscriptionManager
   'Private Const m_OneWorldEventCLSID = "{1E645180-6C93-4704-85C6-
   Private m_SubscribedEvents As Collection
   'UPGRADE_NOTE: Class_Initialize was upgraded to Class_Initialize_
Renamed. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/
   Private Sub Class_Initialize_Renamed()
          m_SubscribedEvents = New Collection
   End Sub
   Public Sub New()
   End Sub
   Public Sub GetEventList(ByRef eventList As String)
   End Sub
   Public Sub Logoff()
   End Sub
   Public Sub CreateTransientSubscription(ByRef eventName As String,
ByRef oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent)
          SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName, oneworldevent, 0)
   End Sub
   Public Sub CreatePersistentSubscription(ByRef eventName As 
String, ByRef oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent)
          SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName, oneworldevent, 1)
   End Sub
   Public Sub RemoveTransientSubscription(ByRef eventName As String,
ByRef oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent)
          UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName, oneworldevent, 0)
   End Sub
   Public Sub RemovePersistentSubscription(ByRef eventName As 
String, ByRef oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent)
          UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName, oneworldevent, 1)
   End Sub
   Public Sub GetEventTemplate(ByRef eventName As String, ByRef 
eventTemplate As String)
          getEventTemplateFromOneWorld(eventName, eventTemplate)
   End Sub
   Public Sub SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(ByRef eventName As String, 
ByRef  oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent, ByRef mode As Integer)
          'Private Function SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(EventName As 
 String) As Boolean
          ' we've already subscribed if the subscription is in our 
          Dim alreadySubscribed As Boolean
          'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of 
object CollectionContainsString(). Click for more: 'ms-help:
          alreadySubscribed = (CollectionContainsString
(m_SubscribedEvents, eventName) = True)
          ' now do the right thing...
          If (alreadySubscribed = False) Then
                 ' this instance of the COMConnector has not seen this 
                 ' event before, so add it to our list...
                 ' ...and go ahead and subscribe to the event from 
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
oneworldevent, mode)
          End If
          'SubscribeToOneWorldEvent = alreadySubscribed
   End Sub
   'UPGRADE_NOTE: str was upgraded to str_Renamed. Click for more: 
   Private Function CollectionContainsString(ByRef col As 
Collection, ByRef str_Renamed As String) As Object
          Dim colItem As Object
          For    Each colItem In col
                 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default 
property of object colItem. Click for more: 'ms-help:
                 If (colItem = str_Renamed) Then
                        'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default 
property of object CollectionContainsString. Click for more: 
                        CollectionContainsString = True
                        Exit Function
                 End If
          Next colItem
          'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of 
object CollectionContainsString. Click for more: 
          CollectionContainsString = False
   End Function

      Public Sub UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent(ByRef eventName As String, 
ByRef oneworldevent As EventClass.IOWEvent, ByRef mode As Integer)
          Dim alreadySubscribed As Boolean
          'alreadySubscribed = (CollectionContainsString
(m_SubscribedEvents.Item, eventName))
          ' now do the right thing...
          'If (alreadySubscribed = True) Then
          ' this instance of the COMConnector has not seen this 

event before, so
          ' remove it from the list...
          alreadySubscribed = (RemoveFromCollection
(m_SubscribedEvents, eventName))
          If (alreadySubscribed = False) Then
                 MsgBox("Event Not Subscribed")
                 'm_SubscribedEvents.Remove ()
                 ' ...and go ahead and subscribe to the event from 
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
                 SendUnSubscribeToOneWorld(eventName, oneworldevent,
          End If
          '  End If
   End Sub
   'UPGRADE_NOTE: str was upgraded to str_Renamed. Click for more: 
   Private Function RemoveFromCollection(ByRef col As Collection, 
ByRef str_Renamed As String) As Object
          Dim colItem As Object
          Dim count As Short
          count = 0
          For    Each colItem In col
                 count = count + 1
                 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default 
property of object colItem. Click for more: 'ms-help:
                 If (colItem = str_Renamed) Then
                        'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default 
property of object RemoveFromCollection. Click for more: 
                        RemoveFromCollection = True
                        Exit Function
                 End If
          Next colItem
          'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of 
object RemoveFromCollection. Click for more: 'ms-help:
          RemoveFromCollection = False
   End Function
End Class