Creating ClientPrj for a Distributed Transaction

This code sample provides detail code for creating ClientPrj.vbp.

Note: This sample code has message box statements to help better understand the step-by-step flow of the code. Since DTC is managing the transactions, it is necessary not to lock the tables for a long time. When you use message boxes, you stop the program flow. When regression testing, you must remove all of the message boxes. You can write to a log file instead.
 Private Sub Command2_Click()
  Dim szConnect As String
  szConnect = "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
  '(NOTE: You may need to change the connection
  ' information to connect to the database.)
  Dim obj As Object
  Set obj = CreateObject("MTStest.MTSTestClass")
  MsgBox obj.Database_Test_Method(szConnect)
  Set obj = Nothing
  Unload Me
 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Command2.Caption = "Call Database_Test_Method"

 End Sub