Installing and Setting Up the COM Connector for Guaranteed Events

Use these steps to install and set up the COM connector:

Note: All of the COM connector required files will be installed with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client. If you have the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client, ignore Step 1 and start with Step 2. If you do not have the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client and you want to set up the COM connector on a third-party machine, start with Step 1.
  1. Copy these files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server (system\bin32) to a directory on the desired machine. For example, copy the files in c:\program files\JDEdwards to a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client machine.

    • JDECOMConnector2.exe

    • JDECOMMN.dll

    • callobject.dll

    • comlog.dll

    • EventManager.dll

    • OneWorldInterfaceTx.dll

    • xmlinterop.dll

    • jdel.dll

    • jdethread.dll

    • jdeunicode.dll

    • ustdio.dll

    • icuil8n.dll

    • jdeinterop.ini to c:\(root directory)

    • checkver.exe

    • ICUUC.dll

    • Icu\data\*.*

    • IXXML4C2_3.dll

    • EventClass.dll

    • EventListener.dll

    • EventHandler.dll

    • ClientService.dll

  2. Create a new directory Icu\data\ on the machine where the COM server is located.

    Copy all of the files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server in folder system\Locale\xml\*.* into Icu\data\. Create a new system variable, ICU_DATA, in the environment variables of the system properties and specify the path to the Icu\data\ as the value.

  3. Use these steps to register the COM Connector:

    1. Run this command:

      c:\programfiles\JDEdwards\JDECOMConnector2.exe /RegServer
    2. Go to c:\programfiles\JDEdwards\ Or c:\b9\system\bin32 and run these commands:

      regsvr32 EventManager.dll
      regsvr32 EventClass.dll
  4. Create the JDEinterop.ini file by setting the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server and port values to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application server with which you want the COM server to communicate.

    The COM server is now ready.

  5. Use these steps to set up security on the COM server:

    1. From the Start menu, select Run.

    2. Enter Dcomcnfg.exe.

    3. On Distributed COM Configuration Properties, click the Default Security tab.

    4. Click the Edit Default Button in Default Access Permissions group.

    5. The Registry Value Permissions form appears. Some entries might already be present.

    6. On Registry Value Permissions, click Add.

    7. On Add Users and Groups, select the appropriate domain from the List Names From option.

    8. Click Everyone, and then click Add.Type of access should be Allow Access.

    9. Click OK.

    No setup is required for default configuration permissions.

  6. Use these steps to set up the identity as an interactive user:

    1. Run DCOMCnfg.

    2. On Distributed COM Configuration Properties, select JDECOMConnector2, and then click Properties.

    3. On JDECOMConnector2Properties, click the Identity tab, and then select the interactive user option.

    4. Click Apply to apply the change.

      Note: Every time you register the connector, you must set up the identity as an interactive user. If you copy the JDECOMConnector2.exe using Explorer, Explorer reruns the registration, and you must set up the identity as an interactive user.To use Callbacks (Connection Points) with the COM solution, repeat these steps for setting up the identity as an interactive user on the COM client machine. Most of the shipped examples use Callbacks and require that you open the security on the client machine.
  7. Use these steps to set up DCOM for a client environment:

    • From a DOS prompt on the DCOM client machine, run jdecomconnector2.exe /RegServer.

    • At the prompt, enter oleview.exe.

    • From the menu bar, select oleview.

    • Click View and select Expert Mode.

    • In the oleview window under Object Classes, double-click All Objects, and wait for all objects to appear.

    • Under All Objects, find and click Connector Class.

    • Click the Implementation tab on the right-side panel, and then click the local server and remove anything that appears in the editing window.

    • On the Activation tab, select the Launch as Interactive User option.

    • In Remote Machine Name, enter the COM server machine name.

Repeat steps 5 through 8 for MathNumeric Class.Start the DCOM client application.

Start the DCOM client application.