Installing COM Connector on a Non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Client Environment

Use these steps to install the COM connector on a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client machine:

  1. Copy these files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server (system\bin32) to a directory on the desired machine. For example, copy the files in c:\program files\JDEdwards to a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client machine.

    • CallObject.dll

    • ClientService.dll

    • comlog.dll

    • EventHandler.dll

    • EventListner.dll

    • icui18n.dll

    • icuuc.dll

    • JDECOMConnector2.exe

    • jdecommn.dll

    • jdel.dll

    • jdeunicode.dll

    • PSThread.dll

    • ustdio.dll

    • XERCES4C.dll

    • XercesWrapper.dll

    • XERCESDDOM.dll

    • xmlinterop.dll

    • XMLRequest.dll

  2. Create a new directory Icu\data\ on the machine where the COM server is located. Copy all of the files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server in folder system\Locale\xml\*.* into Icu\data\. Create a new system variable, ICU_DATA, in the environment variables of the system properties and specify the path to the Icu\data\ as the value.

  3. Execute this command on the target location to register the COM connector components:

    JDECOMConnector2.exe /RegServer
  4. Run GenCOM on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client machine and copy the output DLL and the wrapper components (for example, wrapper.dll).

  5. Execute this command to register the COM wrapper components:

    regsvr32 wrapper.dll
  6. Create the JDEinterop.ini file.

    Set the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server and port values to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application server with which you want the COM server to communicate.

    The COM server is now ready.

To unregister the COM server, use the /unreserved option. For example:

JDECOMConnector2.exe /unreserved

To unregister the COM wrapper, use the /u option. For example:

regsvr32 /u wrapper.dll