JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Connectors Overview

Connectors are point-to-point component-based interoperability models that enable third-party applications and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to share logic and data. Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connector architecture includes Java and Component Object Model (COM) connectors and provides:

  • Access to business functions

  • Session management

  • Point of entry

  • Connection pooling

  • Inbound transaction functionality

  • Outbound event functionality

Using connectors provides additional benefits, such as:

  • Connectors are scalable

  • Connectors provide multi-threading

  • Connectors enable concurrent users

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne supports the COM connector and the dynamic Java connector. The COM connector is fully compliant with the Microsoft Component Object Model. You can easily tie JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality to Visual Basic and VC++ applications. The Java connector is a portable language, so you can easily tie JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality to Java applications.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connectors can receive and send XML documents. The connector architecture provides the capability to expose C and Java APIs for XML documents. Some of the benefits of using XML documents are:

  • You can use XML documents to aggregate business function calls into one object, which reduces network traffic.

  • Because XML processing is based on the connector architecture, XML processing is scalable and multiple connections can be opened.

  • XML processing supports XML CallObject, XMLList, and XMLTrans.

To decide which connector is best for you:

  • Identify the logic or data that you want to access in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

  • Decide whether you want to use business functions exposed through a connector directly or XML documents.

Then decide whether to use a COM connector or a Java connector. If you are using an application server, these guidelines can help you decide which connector to select:

  • If you are using Site Server, Commerce Server, or .NET, consider the COM connector.

  • If you are using a J2EE-based application server, consider the Java connector.

After you determine which connector you should use, you must install and configure the connector. Installation and configuration information for COM and Java connectors is provided in this document.