Resolving Java Connector Events Client Tool Issues

This table discusses potential problems that you might encounter when using the Java Connector Events Client tool, along with possible solutions.


Possible Solution

I can't get past the sign-on screen.

Try entering all of your credentials (username, password, environment, and role) in all capital letters.

My C:\ConnectorEventsClient\logs directory is full, and I would like to delete some of the .log and .xml files.

You may delete any files from this directory at any time. However, if your Connector Events Client application is running, some of the files might be locked.

Why are there orbtrc...txt files in my C:\ConnectorEventsClient directory?

These files are created by WebSphere runtime code. You may delete these files at any time. However, if your Connector Events Client application is running, some of these files might be locked.

An error message that I don't understand appears in the Error Messages window.

Look in your C:\ConnectorEventsClient\logs directory for the jasdebug_date.log file that corresponds to the appropriate date. Often a more explanatory error message can be found in this file.

I clicked the ReceiveAndWait button, and now the interface is frozen.

This happens when you click the ReceiveAndWait button and there is no event waiting for you on the Transaction Server. ReceiveAndWait means that you are willing to wait indefinitely for an event to be generated and delivered to you. The interface freezes in this instance until an event is delivered. If you are not willing to wait, click the ReceiveNoWait button.