Accessing the Correlation Data Manager

The correlation data is compiled into a URL that is provided to the third-party system. The third-party system uses this information to post data to the business service. Access to correlation data is provided through the CorrelationDataManager interface.

This code sample shows how to access the correlation data manager:

IBSSVCorrelationDataManager correlationData = context.getBSSVCorrelationData

The business service sets the business service name, method, and callback business function in the correlation data. These are the methods that the business service uses:

   void setCallbackBSSVName(java.lang.StringbssvName)
   void setCallbackBSSVMethod(java.lang.String bssvMethod)
   void setXAPICallbackBSFN(java.lang.StringxapiCallbackBSFN)

This sample code shows how to use these methods:
