Creating a Delete Database Operation Call

If you selected the Delete database operation, the wizard opens the Delete operation main page, which contains no data, but has a Where Clause tab. You add a where clause by clicking the Add Where Clause button. After you add a column, you can click the column name in the row where you want to change the name and select a new name from the drop-down list box. To remove a where clause from your operation, select the attribute that you want to remove and then click the Remove Where Clause button. You change the condition (and/or) by clicking the condition in the row you want and selecting a condition from the drop-down list box. You change the operator by clicking the operator in the row you want to change and selecting an operation from the drop-down list box.

After you specify the information that you want to include in your Delete operation, click Next to see a preview page. The preview page shows a conceptual SQL statement. If you click Next without specifying a where clause, the wizard sends you a warning message. You can use the Back button to return to the Delete operation main page and modify your specifications. When you are satisfied with the specifications you have entered, click Finish. The wizard creates a Delete database operation call where your cursor is located, and it produces accompanying code. You must modify the Delete call to include the appropriate value objects and you should review the generated code and make necessary changes.