Creating a Deployment Profile for the Business Service Consumer Project

After you create the business service consumer project, you deploy it to the integrated WebLogic server. Before you can deploy the business service consumer project to the Integrated WebLogic server, you create a deployment profile. You use JDeveloper to create a deployment profile for the business service consumer project.

To create a deployment profile:

  1. On JDeveloper, right-click on the appropriate business service consumer project and select Project Properties.

  2. On Project Properties, do the following:

    • Select the deployment property.

    • Select Use Project Settings as the Deployment option.

    • Select the business service consumer project in the Development Profiles area.

    • Click Edit.

    This action opens the Edit WAR Deployment Profile Properties window.

  3. On Edit WAR Deployment Profile Properties, in the tree structure, select File Groups, and then click the New button.

  4. On the File Groups page, create a new file group by doing the following:

    • Type WEB-INF in the File Group Name field.

    • Select the Packaging option as the Type of file group.

    • Click OK.

      The WEB-INF file group appears in the tree structure, and the WEB-INF page opens in the right-side pane.

  5. On WEB-INF, do the following:

    • Type WEB-INF in the Target Directory in the Archive field.

    • Type WEB-INF in the File Group Name field.

    • Click OK.

  6. In the tree structure WEB-IN file Group, select Contributors.

  7. In the Contributors pane, do the following:

    • Select the Project Output Directory option.

    • Select the Project Dependencies option

    • In the Order of Contributors field, add the path for the Consumer WEBXML folder; such as, <E1_Install_Path>\system\classes\ConsumerWEBXML.

  8. In the tree structure WEB/INF file group, select Filters.

  9. In the Filters pane, select the Filters tab and do the following:,

    • Select web.xml.

    • Clear check marks from of the other folders that are under the main folder, Merged Contents of This File Group's Contributors.

    • Click OK.

  10. In the tree structure pane, expand the WEB-INF/lib file group and select Contributors.

  11. In the Contributors pane, select the SBFProjects in the Libraries Selected for Deployment area, and click OK.

  12. In the tree structure pane WEB-INF/lib file group, select Filters.

  13. In the Filters pane, select the Files tab and ensure that all of the EnterpriseOne tools foundation jar files are selected, and then click OK.

  14. In the tree structure pane, expand the WEB-INF/classes file group and select Contributors.

  15. In the Contributors pane, do the following:

    • Select the Project Output Directory option.

    • Select the Project Dependencies option.

    • In the Order of Contributors area, add the SBF path; such as, <E1_Install_Path>\<PathCode>\ini\sbf.

    • Click OK.

  16. In the tree structure pane WEB-INF/classes file group, select Filters.

  17. In the Filters pane, select the Files tab and do the following:

    • Verify that all of the preconfigured EnterpriseOne files (.ini, .properties, .xml, .ora) are selected.

    • Expand the oracle folder and verify that only the targeted business service consumer project is selected.

    • Click OK.

  18. In the tree structure pane, select the Library Dependencies group file.

  19. In the Library Dependencies pane, ensure that all of the libraries under the Libraries Selected for Deployment area are selected and click OK

  20. In the tree structure pane, expand the Platform group file.

  21. In the Platform pane, do the following:

    • Select Weblogic 12.1.x (for JDeveloper 12c) or Weblogic 10.3 (for JDeveloper 11g) from the Default Platform drop-down list.

    • Select IntegratedWebLogicServer from the Target Connection drop-down list.

    • Click OK to open the Deployment window.

  22. On the Deployment window, click OK.

  23. On JDeveloper, save the changes to the targeted business service consumer project.