Creating a Test Business Service

To create a business service that tests the business service that calls a web service and passes an XML file:

  1. Create a test business service object in OMW.

  2. Move the generated sample XML file to the test business service folder.

    See Generating a Sample XML Document

  3. Add a call to the TestServiceBusinessFunction.callBSSVWithXMLFile method.

You can use this example code to create a business service to test calling a business service that passes an XML file.

Package oracle.e1.sbf.JTR"H90I10;

Import oracle.e1.sbffoundation.base.TestServiceBusiness Function; 
Import oracle.e1.sbffoundation.connection.Iconnection; 

Public class RI_AsyncSendEmailProcessor Test {  
     Public RI_AsyncSendEmailProcessorTest() {  

     public static void main(String[] args) {    
        Try {       
          //call required prior to executing test from application (main())
          String file = "C:\\B9\STAGINGA\\java\\source\\oracle\\e1\\sbf\\

RI_AsyncSendEmail Processor",
         } finally {
           //call required at the end of testing from application (main())