Encrypted Values

You should consider protecting information such as passwords by encrypting the password. Both softcoding applications provide a way to encrypt information within the XML document. In the XML document, the encrypted value has an alias that is surrounded by a specific sequence of characters (_||_).

This example XML document shows a password that you might want to secure:

<username-token name="User Name" password="95T763i"
 password-type="PLAINTEXT" add-nonce="false" add-created="false"/> 

This example code shows how the XML document encrypts the secure value:

<username-token name="User Name" password="_||_maskedpassword_||_"
 password-type="PLAINTEXT" add-nonce="false"  add-created="false"/>

Both of the softcoding applications provide an area at the bottom of the form for you to enter data to be encrypted. The decryption and substitution occurs at runtime when the getSoftCodingRecord method is called. It is imperative that no logging of the softcoding value takes place between the call to getSoftCodingRecord and _setProperty.