Running the Published Business Service Class Wizard

The Published Business Service Class Wizard creates a new published business service class by extending the business service framework PublishedBusinessService class. This foundation class, along with other business service framework foundation classes, provides the building blocks for you to create a new published business service class.

The wizard steps you through a series of tasks, prompting you for information for naming the class, the method, the input value object, and the output value object. As a final step, the wizard generates Java code for the published business service class and displays this generated code in the edit pane of JDeveloper.

You can use the prompts, visual aids, and TODO tags to complete the generated code. As previously discussed, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides code templates that you can apply to the generated code. If the published business service requires more than one method, you must add code for each additional method.

To run the Published Business Service Class Wizard:

  1. In the JDeveloper navigation pane, select the project.

  2. Right-click the project.

  3. From the context menu, click New.

  4. On the new Gallery window, open EnterpriseOne and select Classes, and then select Published Business Service Class.

  5. Click OK to launch the wizard.

  6. On the Create EnterpriseOne Published Business Service Class page, complete these fields:

    • Name

    • Method Name

    • Input Class

    • Return Class

  7. Click OK.

    JDeveloper displays the generated code in the edit pane.

  8. Update the generated code.

  9. From the JDeveloper File menu, save and exit the code.

    The published business service class is saved in the project that you selected. You can open the class and the code by double-clicking the Java file.


A user-defined designation for the published business service class. This name is usually the description name of the system code with Manager added at the end of the name, for example, AddressBookManager.

Method Name

A user-defined designation for a business service. In the published business service, the method name is the same name as the business service name that is called.

Input Class

A user-defined designation for the input value object class for the published business service. Each business service or business method called by the published business service must have an input class in the published value object.

Return Class

A user-defined designation for the output value object class for the published business service. Each business service or business method called by the published business service must have an output class in the published value object.