Testing the Business Service Consumer Project

You test your custom business service consumer project in the JDeveloper 11g integrated WebLogic server. The following list identifies additional tasks that you perform before testing your custom business service consumer project.

  • The target web service for which the business service consumer project is created is up and running.

  • The business service consumer project is successfully deployed and running in the JDeveloper 11g integrated WebLogic server.

  • Create a business function that calls your custom business service consumer project.

  • Add an OCM record for the Enterprise server to point to the business service server on which your custom business service consumer project is running.

  • Add a SYSTEM level service property.

  • Create a soft coding record.

  • Restart the Business Services server.

    After you perform the additional tasks, restart the business services server where the business service consumer project is running. If the business service consumer project is running locally on the JDeveloper 11g integrated WebLogic server, then restart the integrated WebLogic Server.

Log into an EnterpriseOne Web client, and run the test reference implementation AddressBook application, P954001.

Note: You can use reference implementation JRH90I34 (for JAX-WS) or JRH90I33 (for JAX-RPC) as a model for testing your web service proxy. The reference implementation provides set up information for the additional tasks that is specific for the reference implementation.See "Reference Implementation for Testing the Business Services Server as a JAX-WS Web Service Consumer" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Interoperability Reference Implementations Guide for more information about Reference Implementation JRH90I34. See "Downloading and Deploying the JDeveloper 11g Reference Implementation Business Service for WebLogic Server" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Interoperability Reference Implementations Guide for information about Reference Implementation JRH90I33.
Note: If the target web-service (JAX-WS consumer JRH90I34 is deployed to the integrated WLS of JDeveloper 12c) is secured with SSL, then in the Integrated WLS start script (startWebLogic.cmd), add the following argument to the JAVA_OPTION jvm arguments to ignore host name verification. The following is an example:typically the start script startWebLogic.cmd is at this location:C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper \<system>\DefaultDomain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd

If you have any issues while testing the consumer business service scenario, configure the following logs:

  • BSSV log.

    Use the jdelog.properties file in <E1_Install_Path>\ini\sbf folder if the JAX-WS consumer reference implementation is running locally on the JDeveloper 11g integrated WebLogic server.

  • Jde and JdeDebug logs in local or for the COK on the Enterprise server, depending where business function B953002 is running.

  • IntegratedWeblogicServer log, which is located at:

    C:\Documents and Settings\USER_PROFILE\Application Data\JDeveloper\<system>\DefaultDomain\servers\DefaultServer\logs