Understanding Business Services

Published business services are Java classes that manage and run business services. Business services are Java classes that have one or more methods. Business service methods call business functions, database operations, and other business services to provide a specific, described unit of work. Business service methods cannot be exposed as web services for public consumption; instead, business service methods are called by the published business service methods. The published business service methods can be exposed as a web service. JD Edwards provides reference implementations that show how to create both published business services and business services. You can use the reference implementations as models for creating your own services. The reference implementations are not intended for production; they are for reference only.

You might need to add functionality to an existing published business service. You can do this by creating a new business service that performs the task that you require. After you create a new business service, you need to create a new published business service that calls the business service. As an alternative to creating a new business service, you can create a version of the business service and include the new functionality. Creating business service versions is discussed in the methodology guide.

See "Versioning JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web Services" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Business Services Development Methodology Guide.

The concept of value objects is important for understanding JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business services. Value objects are Java classes that manage data. Each published business service method works with two value object classes, an input value object class, and an output value object class. The input and output data are the payload of the web service.

Business service methods use internal value objects. These internal value objects are not published interfaces. A business service method uses one internal value object for both input and output data. The methodology guide provides an overview of value objects for both published business services and business services.

To help you create the Java classes, JDeveloper provides these wizards:

  • Published Business Service Class Wizard.

  • Business Function Value Object Class Wizard.

  • Database Value Object Class Wizard.

  • Business Service Class Wizard.

Each of the wizards takes you through a series of steps, prompting you for information or prompting you to select an item. When you complete the series of steps, the wizard generates code that is stored as a Java file in the project that you selected before you started the wizard. The code that the wizard generates is displayed in the JDeveloper edit pane. The generated code has TODO tags to help you complete it. JDeveloper also provides visual aids, such as icons on the left-hand side of the editor and colored indicators on the right-hand side of the editor, to help you complete the code.

The first time that you launch a JDeveloper wizard within a user session, the authentication page appears. If credentials are configured, the authentication page opens with that information. You can overwrite the default credentials.

You can have a published business service class or business service class that contains more than one method. However, the Published Business Service Class Wizard and the Business Service Class Wizard create code for only one method. You add additional methods at the end of the protected method created by the wizard by applying a code template or by copying and pasting the method created by the wizard. This table identifies the code templates that are available in JDeveloper for you to use with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business services:





JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Formatter

Use when creating a business service to generate code that formats data that comes from the published value object.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Java Doc for Published Members

Use when creating a published value object class to generate code for creating Javadoc.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Java Doc for Internal Members

Use when creating a value object class to generate code for Javadoc.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Published Business Service Method Call

Use when adding a method to a published business service to generate code for the new public and private methods.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configure Web Service Proxy with Soft Coding Record

Use when creating a business service that calls an external web service to generate code for configuring the web service proxy with a softcoding record.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Add Call to Service Property with Default Value

Use when creating a business service to generate code to call a service property.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Service Method Call

Use when adding a method to a business service class to generate code for the new method.


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Test Harness Class

Use when creating a test harness main method to test a published business service class.

You access a code template within the Java code. You place your cursor where you want to create the generated code and press Ctrl+Enter. A list of code templates is displayed on a context menu. Select the appropriate template from the list to generate the code.