Understanding Softcoding Templates

You use softcoding templates to create softcoding records. Using a softcoding template is productive because softcoding records have similar values, and reusing templates helps to minimize typing errors when entering record information. Softcoding templates are basically a unique name, a softcoding key that defines a relationship (the value used in the code), and the softcoding value.

A web service proxy has at least one softcoding template and one softcoding record; however, a web service proxy can have many templates and many records. The softcoding key is a grouping mechanism that is used to tie all of the related templates and records together for a given web service proxy. The softcoding key also acts as a communication vehicle for passing information from developers to administrators.

Because the development environment and the production environment are similar but not identical, a developer needs a way to communicate with an administrator. By creating a softcoding template, the developer has a way to communicate both the softcoding key the business service is expecting and the anticipated structure of the XML element.

You use the Web Service Soft Coding Templates Program (P953000) to add new templates, update existing templates, copy existing templates to create new templates, and delete templates.