Using Softcoding with Business Service Methods

Softcoding within a business service requires two methods. You use the method getSoftCodingRecord to retrieve the softcoding record. You use the method _setProperty to apply the softcoding record to the web service proxy. Calling _setProperty with a softcoding value overrides hard-coded values that might have been assigned in the web service proxy when it was generated.

This code sample shows how to retrieve a softcoding record and apply the softcoding value to the web service proxy:

Element softCodingValue; 

// Retrieve the softcoding record. The 'key' that is passed is a string confined
// only by methodology. It becomes part of a multipart key to retrieve a databas
// record. 
softCodingValue = SoftCodingRecordAccess.getSoftCodingRecord(context,

// myPort is the Web Service Proxy 
myPort = new RI_AddressBookManagerHttpPortClient(); 

// apply the softcoding to the proxy if(softCodingValue!= null) { 

else { 
   // respond to missing softcoding record. Log, set default values, and/or 
return error. 