Where Clause Tab

You use the where clause to filter the data for your Select database operation. You can set conditions for one or more of the column names that you have selected. To add a where clause, click the Add Where Clause button. After you add a column, you can click the column name and select a new name from the drop-down list box. To remove a where clause from your operation, select the attribute that you want to remove and then click the Remove Where Clause button. You change the condition (and/or) by clicking the condition in the row that you want and selecting a condition from the drop-down list box. You change the operator by clicking the operator in the row that you want to change and selecting an operation from the drop-down list box.

The Exclude If Value Is Null option is used by the system for code generation. If you select this option, conditional logic is added to the generated code to not include fields with a null value. If a field has a null value, the field is not included in the where clause. The system builds the where clause using only those value object fields that are not null.