Adding a Single or Container Event

Access the Event Entry form.

Event Entry form
Event Type

The name of the event (for example RTSOOUT, which is the typical event type for a real-time sales order event.)

Create Activation Records

An option that causes newly defined events to have an associated record in the F90705 table, which enables each event to be activated or deactivated for each environment in your system. You must select this option for every event that you intend to use in your system.

Event Description

The description of an event.

Event Category

A value that represents the name of the event type. Use RTE for real-time events or XAPI for XAPI events.

Event Aggregate

Indicates whether an event is a single event or a container event.

Product Code

An optional field that indicates to which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system the event is associated.

Data Structure

The name of the data structure that passes event information.

This field disappears if Container is the value of the Event Aggregate field; however, when you click OK, the Event Definition Detail form automatically appears for you to enter data structure information.