Changing the Event Type

An event can be either a single event or a container event. Each single event consists of a data structure. A container event consists of multiple single events.

When you are working with a single event, and you determine that you need to add another single event that is associated with the existing single event, you must create a new container event that contains both the original single event and the added single event. A container event is named differently than a single event. For example, if the original single event is named RTSOHDR, and you want to add another single event named RTSODTL, you create a new container event called RTSOOUT that contains the two single events, RTSOHDR and RTSODTL.

A container event contains more than one single event, and if it becomes necessary to add another single event, you create a version of the existing container event and add the desired single event.

Oracle recommends that you not remove any single events from the system. If you want to remove a single event from an existing container event, this can be achieved through the subscription process when you associate your subscription with the events to which you want to subscribe. See Establishing Subscriber and Subscription Information in this chapter.

The following diagram can help you decide if you should create a version of the original real-time event because you have changed the event type:

Determine if a change affects the event type.