Establish Session

You establish a session by setting the session attribute of the standard jdeRequest element. When the session attribute is an empty string, a new session is started. On the server, the SessionManager singleton class creates a new instance of a session object given the user name, password, and environment name. The session can be reused before it expires to avoid the overhead of session initialization. You can specify the session ID in the session attribute for an already established session in an earlier request.

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<jdeRequest type='callmethod' user='steve' pwd='xyz'
environment='prod' role='*ALL' session='' sessionidle='1800'>
Note: If you do not want to start a new session, then remove the session=' ' tag.

Here is an example to establish a session using a token instead of a password.

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<jdeRequest type='callmethod' user='steve' pwd="" token="xyz" environment='prod' role='*ALL' session='' sessionidle='1800'>