Getting Column Information for a List

You can send a GetTemplate request to get the column information for a list so that data selection and sequencing can be added to the CreateList request. If OUTPUT is defined in the TEMPLATE_TYPE, the response is only for those columns in the XML output generated by a CreateList request based on the table conversion. For a trivial table conversion, both templates should be the same. The default template type is INPUT if no tag is specified.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jdeRequest type="list" user="JDE" pwd="JDE" role="*ALL" 
environment="PRODHP01" session="" sessionidle=""> 
 <ACTION TYPE="GetTemplate">

The response for the input template lists all of the columns with alias name, type and the length of the data type, even though the length is only meaningful for the string type.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jdeResponse type="list" session="5665.931961929.454">
<returnCode code="0">XMLRequest OK</returnCode>
 <ACTION TYPE="GetTemplate">
  <COLUMN Name="Address" Alias="X" TYPE="String" LENGTH="32" TABLE="F9999" 