Managing ODA Error Messages

This section discusses error messages that you might receive.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver sends error messages. The messages are placed in the ODBC error message queue where the application can retrieve them using the standard ODBC error mechanism. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne messages look like this:

[J.D. Edwards][OneWorldODA Driver]MESSAGE TEXT

This is a list of the errors that you can receive from the driver:

Error Message


Configuration Request Error

This error might occur when you add a new data source if you do not provide enough information for the driver and it cannot show a configuration dialog.

You must either pass enough information to the driver or allow the driver to prompt for more information.

Option Value Changed

This is an informational message that occurs when you attempt to set a connection or statement option to a value that the driver does not accept. The driver then changes the value to an acceptable default value and uses this message to let you know that the value has changed.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver changes values in these areas:

Setting the row set size to a value other than one. The driver currently only supports single-row row sets.

Setting the login time out to a value other than zero. The driver currently only supports zero in this option, which means, timeout disabled.

Data Source Name Is Not Valid

The data source you entered is not a valid ODBC data source name. This error occurs when you are adding a new data source or configuring an existing data source. You must enter a name that follows the ODBC data source naming convention.

Data Source Does Not Exist

This error occurs when you attempt to use a data source that does not exist. You must enter the name of an existing data source. If you get this error when you attempt to connect to a data source, you might need to create a default data source.

Unable to Allocate Memory

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver was not able to allocate enough memory to continue. You must close some applications and try the operation again. Make sure that you meet the minimum system requirements.

Invalid Type of Request

You attempted to use a configuration option that is unknown to the driver. The driver supports these options when configuring data sources:

  • Adding a data source

  • Configuring a data source

  • Removing a data source

Data Truncated

The conversion of column data resulted in a truncation of the value. You should allocate more room for the column data to avoid this informational message.

Syntax Error or Access Violation

The statement contained a syntax error and no further information is available.

Unable to Display Connection Dialog

The driver encountered an error when attempting to display the connection dialog.

Cross System Joins Not Supported

This error occurs in one of two situations:

  • You referenced tables that are contained on multiple systems in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver currently supports tables that are referenced on a single system.

  • You referenced a business view that contains multiple tables that reside on multiple systems.

You must make sure that you are referencing tables on a single system or a business view that contains tables on a single system.

Unable to Connect to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Environment

The driver could not establish a connection to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment. This connection is required before a successful connection can be made to this driver.

Internal Data Conversion Error

The driver encountered an unknown error during data conversion.

Internal Execution Error

The driver experienced an unexpected error during a statement execution.

User Defined Code Columns Can Only Be in Simple Column References

A user attempted to use a User Defined Code column in a complex expression. The JD Edwards Enterprise Open Data Access driver only allows such columns to be simple references.

Currency Columns Can Only Be in Simple Column References

A user attempted to use a Currency column in a complex expression. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver only allows such columns to be simple references.

Media Object Columns Can Only Be in Simple Column References

A user attempted to use a Media Object column in a complex expression. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver only allows such columns to be simple references.

Column Security Violation

You attempted to use a column you are not authorized to use. You must remove references to those columns that are secured.

Invalid Cursor State

You attempted an operation that was not valid for the state that the driver is in, for example:

  • You attempted to bind a column prior to preparing or executing a statement.

  • You attempted to execute a statement while there are pending results.

  • You attempted to get data from the driver prior to preparing or executing a statement.

  • You attempted to prepare a statement while there are pending results.

Invalid Column Number

You attempted to access a column that was not part of the statements results.

Driver Does Not Support the Requested Conversion

An attempt was made to convert a column to a data type not supported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver.

Invalid Date or Time String

An attempt to convert a character column to a date, time, or timestamp value failed because the character column did not contain a valid format.

Invalid Numeric String

An attempt to convert a character column to a numeric value failed because the character column did not contain a valid numeric value.

Numeric Value Out of Range

An attempt to convert a column to a numeric value failed because the output data type could not accommodate the value in the column. You should use the default data type or select a data type that can accommodate the column value.

Data Returned for One or More Columns was Truncated

An attempt to convert a column to a numeric value caused a truncation of decimal digits. The output data type could not accommodate the value in the column. You should use the default data type or select a data type that can accommodate the column value.

The Data Cannot be Converted

An attempt to convert a column value failed because the input type could not be converted to output type. You should use the default data type.

Statement Must Be a SELECT

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver is read-only and allows only SELECT statements.

Attempt to Fetch Before the First Row

An attempt was made to fetch before the beginning of results. The attempt resulted in the first row set being fetched.

Option Value Changed

An attempt was made to set a connection, statement, or scroll options to a value that was not allowed. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver substituted a similar value.

Fractional Truncation

An attempt to convert a column to a numeric value succeeded with a loss of fractional digits because the output data type could not accommodate the value in the column. You should use the default data type or select a data type that can accommodate the column value.

Driver Not Capable

An attempt was made to set a connection, statement, or scroll option that the driver does not allow.

Multiple Business Views Referenced

An attempt was made to reference more than one business view in a single SELECT statement. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver restricts the SELECT statement to contain only one business view.

Unable to Open Table or Business View

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver was unable to locate the table or business view in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database or could not get information pertaining to the table or business view.

Server Connection Failed

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver was unable to establish a connection to the server referenced by the tables or business view in the SELECT statement.

Business View Contains Invalid Join

The Business View definition contains a join condition that could not be processed by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver.

Business View Contains Unsupported UNION Operator

The Business View definition contains the UNION operator, which could not be processed by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Open Data Access driver.