Outbound Notification
The outbound notification function is called by the standard generic Outbound Subsystem batch process UBE and provides notification that records have been placed in the interface tables.
This function passes the key fields for a record in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Outbound Transaction interface tables to the outbound adapter. With these key fields, you can process the information from the database record into a message queue. This example shows an outbound notification message:
void MessageNotificationName(char *szUserID, char *szBatchNumber, char *szTransactionNumber, double mnLineNumber,char *szTransactionType, char *szDocumentType, double mnSequenceNumber )
This list provides the required input parameters:
User ID - 11 characters.
Batch Number - 16 characters.
Transaction Number - 23 characters.
Line Number - double.
Transaction Type - 9 characters.
Document Type - 3 characters.
Sequence Number - double.
This information is sent in a JDENET message:
Environment Name - use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne APIs to retrieve environment from the subsystem batch process.
User ID - key to interface table record.
Batch Number - key to interface table record.
Transaction Number - key to interface table record.
Line Number - key to interface table record.
Transaction Type - tie to an interface table.
Document Type - (optional).
Sequence Number - (optional).
The key information in the JDENET message packets is used by the outbound adapter to retrieve the record from the interface table. The transaction type enables the adapter to be generic and enables the adapter to process other transactions in the future. The transaction type maps to the F47002 table to determine the interface tables.