Purging Interface Table Information

You should run a purge batch process periodically after you have successfully processed the data in the interface tables. The purge batch process should have one or two sections; the number of sections depends on the interface tables. The purge batch process calls the purge named event rule (NER). The name of the purge batch process is based on the revisions application with a P suffix. For example, if the revisions application is P4211Z1, the purge batch process is R4211Z1P.

Purge NERs have two modes:

  • Header mode, which deletes the header record and all associated records in independent tables.

  • Detail mode, which deletes the detail record and all associated records in dependent tables.

The purge NER is named after the purge batch process. Only eight characters are allowed for the NER name. If the name has nine characters using these standards, remove the P suffix. For example, if the purge batch process is R4211Z1P, the purge NER is N4211Z1P.

When a before image for net change is deleted, the corresponding after image is also deleted. When an after image is deleted, the corresponding before image is also deleted.